Sunday, April 14, 2013

It’s way past my age but trust me the feeling is mutual.

This Is 40

On March 15 2013 I turned twenty six and basically in my mind, I’m dreading turning thirty. What’s funny is how this movie came along This is 40. It’s way past my age but trust me the feeling is mutual.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The best thing about it though is that a female found him which is quite ironic in my opinion.

Zero Dark Thirty 

I don’t know much about politics and frankly I don’t really follow it or get involved. However Zero Dark Thirty is one damn good political thriller about the search and death of Osama Bin Laden. The best thing about it though is that a female found him which is quite ironic in my opinion.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is Rise of the Guardians a good babysitter for your kids why of course but it’s really nothing else.

Rise of the Guardians(2012)

There is a lot animated films that are released throughout the year some are good, and others mediocre. There are the ones that get nominated and the ones that are good but ultimately are unforgettable. That’s where Rise of the Guardians fit in.